Why “Ready” Is a Myth
Jan 24, 2025
Raise your hand if you’ve ever waited to feel “ready” before doing something scary—starting a business, launching a project, or finally tackling that closet you’ve been avoiding. Now keep it up if you’re still waiting. Exactly.
Here’s the deal: readiness isn’t coming. Ever. It’s not some magical fairy that taps you on the shoulder and says, “Now’s the time, babe.” Instead, it’s a comforting little lie Sneaky Pete (your primitive brain) tells you to keep you “safe.” But let’s be honest—what he’s really doing is holding you hostage in your comfort zone.
The truth is, you don’t become ready by waiting. You become ready by doing. Think about it—were you “ready” the first time you drove a car or gave a big presentation? No! But you jumped in, figured it out, and grew from the experience.
Here’s the kicker: the magic happens after you start. Those messy, imperfect first steps? They’re the birthplace of confidence, clarity, and momentum. So, stop waiting for the perfect moment—it doesn’t exist—and start creating it instead. Let’s dive into why you’ll never feel 100% ready—and why that’s the best news ever.
The Myth of Perfectionism
Let’s talk about perfectionism, aka the OG confidence killer. It whispers sweet nothings like, “If it’s not perfect, it’s not worth doing.” But perfectionism isn’t your friend; it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, feeding your procrastination and keeping you stuck in the same place.
Sneaky Pete lives for perfectionism because it guarantees you’ll never take risks. If it were up to him, you’d spend your life in sweatpants, watching reruns of Maury and polishing off an entire bag of cheese puffs. Ambitious? Hardly.
Here’s the reality: nothing you do will ever be perfect—and that’s not just okay, it’s freeing. I’m a proud 85%er. When something is 85% ready, it gets launched. Why? Because DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT. Spoiler alert: no one has ever called me out on the missing 15%, and they won’t for you either.
Gut Punch Moment
Perfectionism doesn’t protect you—it paralyzes you. It keeps you stuck in endless “tweaks” and “someday” plans that never see the light of day. If you’re waiting for perfect, you’ll never hit publish, apply for the job, or make that bold move. Newsflash: progress beats perfection every single time. Kick perfectionism to the curb—it’s not your vibe anymore.
The Science Behind Action and Confidence
Here’s a little neuroscience to blow your mind: Confidence isn’t a prerequisite for action—it’s a result of it.
Action Creates Confidence
Every time you take action, your brain gets a dopamine hit—a little “hell yeah” that builds momentum. This reward reinforces the behavior, making it easier to keep going. The more you do, the more confident you feel. Think of it like riding a bike. Did you feel confident the first time you wobbled down the street? Nope. But with every push of the pedals, you improved. Now? It’s second nature.
Messy Action > No Action
You don’t learn to swim by reading about it. You jump in, flail around, and figure it out. Messy action beats perfection because it gets you closer to your goal—mistakes and all. Sure, you might stumble, but that’s where growth happens. And let’s be real: it’s way more fun to laugh at your flops than to sit on the sidelines wondering “what if?”
Why This Works
Your brain thrives on momentum. Every time you complete a task, no matter how small, you strengthen neural pathways tied to accomplishment and confidence. Over time, those pathways become your default, making it easier to tackle challenges. So, take the leap. Confidence isn’t waiting for you at the start line—it’s built along the way.
Sneaky Pete’s Favorite Excuses (And How to Shut Them Down)
Sneaky Pete thrives on excuses—they’re his ultimate survival tactic. The good news? You can see through his nonsense and shut it down, fast.
Excuse #1: “What if I fail?”
Let’s flip the script: failure isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. It’s feedback, not a final verdict.
Pete says: “What if you fall?”
You say: “What if I fly?” Mic drop.
Excuse #2: “I’m not ready yet.”
Reality check: No one’s ever ready. Even Beyoncé didn’t pop out of the womb with a mic in hand. Readiness happens when you start, not before.
Excuse #3: “It’s not perfect.”
Perfection is overrated. People don’t care about your polished edges—they care about your authenticity. Besides, perfectionism is just procrastination in a sparkly dress.
Tools to Take Action Anyway
Overthinking is Pete’s weapon of choice. Yours? Tools that boot him out of the driver’s seat and put you firmly in control:
The 5-Second Rule
Straight from Mel Robbins and worth its weight in gold. Count backward from five and then act. It’s like hitting a mental eject button for hesitation. That email you’ve been dreading? Sent. The workout you’ve been avoiding? Started. This rule launches you from “thinking about it” to actually doing it before Pete can pipe up with her usual excuses.
Set a Deadline
Deadlines are pure magic. They take your “someday” dreams and slap a timestamp on them. Better yet, tell someone your plan—it’s much harder to ghost your goals when accountability’s watching. Deadlines turn procrastination into progress.
Start Stupid Small
Make the first step so laughably tiny it feels like no big deal. Writing a book? Scribble one sentence. Launching a business? Buy the domain. Too tired to exercise? Stretch for 30 seconds. Big wins start with baby steps, and those baby steps snowball into unstoppable momentum. Pete will be left in the dust, wondering what just happened.
Pro Tip: Grab the Momentum Map
If you need an extra push, download my free Momentum Map. It’s designed to silence Pete and break your goals into clear, actionable steps so you can move forward—no more overthinking, just action. Get it today and watch your momentum take off!
No One’s Watching as Closely as You Think
Here’s a little reality check: the world isn’t keeping a running tally of your screw-ups. That cringe-worthy moment you’ve been replaying in your head for days? No one else remembers it. Seriously, people are too busy overanalyzing their own lives to notice if you stumbled over a word in a meeting or accidentally wore your shirt inside out.
And those “judgy critics” you’re so terrified of? They’re basically Bigfoot—more myth than reality. Even if someone does notice, their opinion has the lifespan of a TikTok trend.
Stop living like every move is under a magnifying glass and start living like no one’s watching. Spoiler: they’re not. And if they are, maybe they’re inspired by your boldness, mismatched socks and all. So own it, because life’s too short to worry about imaginary critiques.
Success Stories: Done Beats Perfect Every Time
Want proof that “done is better than perfect” works? Look at the tech world. Apps launch with bugs all the time because getting them into people’s hands matters more than perfection. Updates and improvements come later.
In my own life, I’ve launched workshops, blog posts, and even coaching programs when they were a solid 85% ready. Guess what? No one noticed the missing 15%. Instead, people thanked me for the value I delivered. The moral? Progress trumps perfection every single time. Show up, start messy, and trust that you’re enough as you are.
Silence Sneaky Pete and Take Bold Action: Your Roadmap to Confidence
Let’s be real: Sneaky Pete isn’t going to pack up and leave overnight. He’s crafty, persistent, and loves to derail your plans with self-doubt and second-guessing. But here’s the good news: you’re stronger, smarter, and way more resilient than he gives you credit for.
Ready to prove him wrong? Start by grabbing my free guide: Silence Your Inner Trash Talker: 10 Comebacks That’ll Make It Cry. This isn’t just another feel-good pep talk—it’s a roadmap to help you shut down the noise, rewrite your mental playlist, and build the momentum you need to take bold, unapologetic action.
Here’s the truth: done is always better than perfect, and you’re never going to feel 100% ready. And guess what? You don’t have to. Every successful person you admire started scared, unsure, and full of questions. The only difference? They started anyway.
Now it’s your turn. What’s your first move? Forget perfect, ditch “ready,” and take one bold step forward today. Download the guide, tell Pete to take several seats, and show up for your dreams like the powerhouse you are.
You’ve got this—and I can’t wait to see what you create. Let’s do this.
10 Micro Strategies to Boost Your Energy & Resilience
Instead of reaching for that candy bar or cup of coffee, here are 10 QUICK & EASY WAYS you can increase your energy and resilience by changing your chemistry and physiology.
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